viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Wordy sentences: Guided practice

Adam Smith, founder of modern economics, proposed a controversial idea in the eighteen century. This British economist, born in Scotland and educated in England wrote the first complete political economy study. The wealth of Nations was published in 1776, the year of American independende from England. Smith's book directed attention to the interpendence of freedom, economic processes, and free trade laws. Although his thinking did not affect economic policies during his lifetime, its influence in the next century was considerable. "The invisible hand" and "laissez faire" are synonymous with Smith's name. History has made Smith's ideas more controversial. Say "Adam Smith" to conservative businesspeople, and they will smile and respond like "He was a good man - understood how business works!" Say it to liberal reformers, and they will grimace like "He was evil- sold the average citizen down the river". These reactions are extreme, but such responses indicate that the controversy aroused by Smith's ideas is still alive.

5 comentarios:

  1. despite you use the strategies given, I think you could short the article a little bit more

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. The strategies of wordy sentences were applied properly! Congrats

  4. Also, you already said that Adam born in Scotland, so you can omit the word british, and in the second line after England, I think the verb write is missing.

    Good job!!!

  5. Dear Kelvin,
    Excellent, but the word "wrote" is missing as Pedro indicates.
